Saturday, December 24, 2011

Synthony - Nebulon 5000 [DnB]

Synthony - Nebulon 5000 by Nebulon 5000

This track is from two friends I personally know and wow what an awesome track. Show some love over at their soundcloud by checking out their other tracks and leaving comments.

The track apparantly some story to it as well. It goes like this:

For the time being Nebulon is safe, thanks to Neb and I the Lemphitomytes have lost a fuel depot for their star ships because we put a 21 inch Cerwin Vega Stroker under their fuel reservoir. Did some nasty damage, but the battle is not won. In the Quigon sector there is an army brewing, intel is leading us to believe they are planning a massive attack on the Second Secret Sector. With this found knowledge Neb and I are preparing for the worst, by building the ultimate multi tonal fusion combustion explosion insanitarian bass defense.

Have a great weekend and merry Christmas!


  1. Always nice to see a story that goes along with it, nice track too!

  2. maybe some chopped up r&b vocals on top

  3. For sure they can go somewhere with the sound. The story helps a little too. It was interesting.

  4. Kind of has a video game sound throughout.

  5. Awesome tracks! Thanks for sharing.

  6. whoa video game music, merry christmas.

  7. whoa this is really good. i really like DnB style songs

  8. Nice!
    My blog is about All things that are good! Give it a try :)

  9. Always love listening to your stuff, good song!

  10. That sounds amazing! Awesome blog!

  11. Hey that was pretty good. :)

  12. You have really cool friends. Happy New Year to you sir.
