Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kill Paris - The Walk

Kill Paris is killing it in his upcoming EP: Foreplay. The creativity and funky beats are simply overflowing. If you enjoyed the full preview of The Walk above, take a gander at the minimix preview he did for the whole EP.

Foreplay is released in full on the 29th.

Kill Paris Soundcloud
Kill Paris Facebook
Kill Paris YouTube
Kill Paris Twitter


  1. Ah yes, I recognize him. He's from our neck of the woods. Loving that killer bassline, and really looking forward to the album.

    Also, I think your Facebook link is broken, because it leads to a cannot be found page. If it helps, there's no dash in his page name. It's simply killparis.

  2. Awesome background too and really soothing, yet keeps your ears perked up too

  3. A fun little number. Makes me want to get up and get my groove on! :)
