Sunday, April 03, 2011

Electric Addict Set 6

Number 6 is here! It has been quite the learning experience to get here. This time, I used completely different software to DJ so it took a little getting used to. As usual, I have a fine selection of new, exciting, and dance enriching Electro! My BPM matches with each track (135 bpm) and the beats go well together.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

** Download for FULL quality **

Fractal System - Arcade (Darth & Vader Remix)
Metropolis - Trust In The M Machine - PREVIEW
Elvic - Ghost Writer
F.O.O.L - Invasion (The S Remix) - PREVIEW
DJ Maxsie & Alex Speaker - Hey Yo (Darth & Vader Remix)
YESYESYO! - Posse (Gorillas On Drums Remix)
Fast Foot - Protect Animals (Lazy Rich Remix)
Elvic - Deep Life ft. Gui Tannenbaum
Dada Life - Fight Club Is Closed
Overwerk - The Nth º (With Intro)
Mord Fustang - Milky Way
Super Mal & Phonat - Pixelated
David Guetta - Delerius (The Videoband Remix)
Pance Party - Lets get Invisible

Leave feedback by posting a comment, visiting my soundcloud OR send an email to electricaddicted [at]


  1. this shit is cash yo

  2. checking it out. nic epicture dude, cute chick :P transitions are getting better. the second song is more of a set ending track I feel, or at least shouldn't be in second. it kind of dwarfs the third track. It's a lot of work to do, and sometimes I don't do it, but to make really perfect mixes you need to really perfect the order of the tracks that you're going to play!

    the pance party track at the end is pretty dope. i think i'm going to jack it :P

  3. this is orgasmic!

  4. that was fast. great selection again.

  5. I like that track around the 18:00 mark. Pretty cool.

  6. I love that picture, that is hot =0

  7. Great stuff. Will have to come back later and check it in its entirely.
    Also I <3 your poster. Nice design plus Mmmm... sexisexy.

  8. Whoa this is a long one, I'll see if I can listen to it on my break.

  9. Great track i couldn't figure out how to download a flash but i love having long tracks when im driving! following for more!!

  10. I love every track posted. You have great music taste. Don't change. Much. And I love that you ended it with that pance party track. I want it worse now.

  11. thanks for this news set, i will try it soon

  12. best list so far. fight club is close is just pure win! thanks for sharing this

  13. Instaboner from the pic.
    Going to have to listen in a day or two. : [
    Reaching my cap but getting new proper Internets hooked up soon.

  14. yesss, amazing. probably the best of all the elecontric music is, that most of it is featured for free online!

  15. i like your blog. keep up the good work

  16. Great stuff, love the pic too :P

  17. amazing stuff!!

  18. great pic - great mix - downloaded and saved :)

  19. Great tracks brother! Keep up the good work you're sounding awesome!

  20. Great blog style! Keep this up! Good blogger!

  21. love this so much. thank you.

  22. i didnt know you make these yourself, good set as always

  23. I hear the call.. and shall respond in due time sir.

  24. Josh, I need your opinion on the Electro mix I made. It's got a new remix of a justice song, plus a remix of Is You, but not the castlevania one. :)

  25. I think I'll give it a listen during the long boring drive i have ahead of me tomorrow.


    following and $upporting

    best friend on the blogosphere

  27. Great job as always, bro. I like what you've done with the site-design as well!

  28. If I were under certain influences, I could groove to this whole track.

  29. thanks again for the selection. waiting for your next post.

  30. Still all HUMMMNNNNA about that sexy chick....

    Really pumpin' from the get go.
    Thought it was taking a dip for a minute but by 10 minutes I'm head bangin'!
    Then a whole nother level wiff da Skrillex-esque tune (Invasio) over too soon (damn previwew! - is it actually Skrillex nm I'll google)
    Plenty of Skrillexy sounds to follow anyway.
    20.00 - sexy stuff. Shift in pace. Like it.
    In fact I really like the intros in your selections giving a little breathing space and then kicking back in with that [23.30 - ooooh nice drawwp!] With that full on vibe.
    Think I may try and get my hands on most of these tunes and check further into some of the artists. Good shtuff.
    Not really into Fight Club Is Closed tbh - kind of messes with the energy you have had been building on so far too. :/
    Next tune works well out of it though. Love the classical feel. I guess it's nice to take it off another direction for a bit.
    Loving all your selections but to be brutally honest you're chilling out when you should be taking us higher.
    I know it's tempting to lash into all your 'fave choons' first, but it's better to play a couple rockers, drop it down a few notches and then build to the real headbangerz - end on a high.

    Tell me to stfu because my opinion is poo.

    Overall I really enjoyed it. Sitting here listening I liked that it started full on and wound down. In a club, jacked up on various stimulants I might feel different tho.

    Look forward to more my good man.

  31. i listening to it... twice, AWESOME

  32. I finally had enough time to listen to this mix all the way through.

    I love how I've only heard about 1/4 of these guys. My fav's were Elvic, Overwerk, and Videoband.

    Awesome stuff!!

  33. Oh... wow. This is badass.

    I'd ask what program(s) you use to mix, but you probably mention it earlier in your blog. I'll do some digging sometime when it's not almost 4am. Or if you want you can just let me know the next time you stop by my blog. I started to get into mixing some stuff with Reason, but got bogged down with all the machines... haha.

    And half the art of music is in its presentation, so paired with that picture, FUCK. We've got ourselves a true artiste over here ;)I'm digging that fo sho.

  34. I love this mix. Me love you long time, Bobby
